In November Celebrate World Quality Month

Do you know why November is World Quality Month?

I wanted to share a story about how I learned why November is World Quality Month. Back in 2016, when I was still living in Argentina, I got a scholarship from the Deming Institute to travel to the US and do research on the Deming manuscripts at the Library of Congress. It was such an amazing experience, getting access to old newspapers, documents handwritten and typewritten by Deming, pictures and medals. I learned many things about quality and Deming that I didn’t know. This research was the foundation of my first book in Spanish, SOS PYMES about how to apply the 14 Deming principles to small businesses.

To celebrate WQM, here is the story. “November in Japan has since 1951 been declared Quality Control month. And why the month of November? That’s when the Deming Prize is awarded.”
Deming helped Japan improve the quality of its products and services after WWII to what they are today: hundred of companies like Toyota and Nissan are so great today thanks to these incentives.

He was offered payment for his work as a consultant, but he rejected it, saying he only wanted to get paid for traveling expenses to teach in Japan for him and his wife. The rest of the money offered was used to sponsor the Deming Prize in Japan and award companies and individuals achieving excellence in quality and statistics.
Thanks Deming, we will always be grateful for your teachings. Thanks to The W. Edwards Deming InstituteKevin Cahill and Bill Bellows for the support.

Celebrate Quality month by organizing a quality or 5S blitz.

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