Improve Your Workplace Organization with the 5S Methodology

Introduction to the 5s methodology

A method that helps teams become more productive is the 5S methodology. Developed by Toyota engineers, the 5S methodology is a Japanese way of working that relies on an organized workplace to help the team perform more effectively.

5S can help team members focus on what really matters and get rid of the wasted time and resources following these steps.

My book 5S Your Life explains that a more organized environment helps you focus on what needs to be done at the present moment and avoid distractions. Chronic disorganization is a state of mental condition. Keeping our things organized keeps our minds free from the thought of searching for them, even working from home.

Watch the 5S Introductory YouTube video:

Present-moment awareness boosts stress resilience and well-being and reduces accidents and mistakes. It also lowers levels of anxiety and depression. 5S is an opportunity to become more mindful of your daily tasks, reduce multitasking and focus on one task at a time.

The real challenge is how to adopt these behaviors, how can you become more mindful?

Recommended courses: 5S Your Life, the ultimate guide to implementing the 5S methodology

You need to start small. Follow the 5S steps and 5S your Life and Work!

1)     Sort: Sort what you need from what you don’t need anymore.

2)     Store: Review the items you decided to keep and determine where and when you will need them to allow for an efficient workflow.

3)     Shine: Keep the workspaces and meeting rooms, both physical and virtual clean and organized at all times to make it easier to detect problems and malfunctions.

4)     Standardize: Create standards that all respect and keep them visible.

5)     Self-organize: Now that you all have new rules and standards, all you need to do is respect them, to respect your coworkers. Commit to the standards even when nobody is looking.

Recommended tools: Download Sunsama to help you organize your tasks.

The faster you adjust your routines to make them more productive, the better. There is much more to learn about 5S, but if you can agree with your team at least on these simple routines, productivity will skyrocket right away.

Start small, start today and have a 5S Day!

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